Site Redesign

The site has been redesigned as it was getting difficult to keep things properly up to date.

Most of the content has been moved to sections, which can be accessed by the links at the top of this page. Old posts now contain a message saying the post has moved to one of these sections and a appropriate link.


Periodic updates, brings you back here. There will be much less content here as it will all move to appropriate sections.


Projects contains a listing of links to various projects completed over the years. Information from all circuit bending, new media and software posts has been moved here.


Long form posts make more sense as standalone tutorials. Useful information posts and guides have been moved here.

Sample Packs

Sample pack posts will move here. For now, the list of sample packs is now available here as a convenient way to find sample pack posts.


Links to various music projects are now collected here.


This section is not yet active.

Contact Us

Contact information can now be found here.

Additionally, all software has moved to Github. You can browse the repositories here: